Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Deepika news on KUFOS 26-11-13

         sIm¨n: tIcf bqWnthgvknän Hm^v ^njdokv B³Uv Hmjy³ ÌUoknsâ (Ipt^mkv) hnIk\ {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡mbn tI{µ _PänÂ\n¶p 100 tImSn cq] e`yam¡m³ \S]Sn kzoIcn¡psa¶p ^njdokv a{´n sI. _m_p. ]Ww e`yam¡p¶Xn\p apJya{´nbpambpw _Ôs¸« tI{µ, kwØm\ DtZymKØcpambpw DS³ NÀ¨ \S¯pw. Ipt^mknse Ggp kvIqfpIfpsS kzX{´{]hÀ¯\¯nsâ DZvLmS\w \nÀhln¡pIbmbncp¶p At±lw. 

30 amk¯n\Iw aäp bqWnthgvknänItfmsSm¸w aÕcn¨p ap³]´nbnse¯m³ Ipt^mkn\p km[n¨p. ]pXpssh¸n bqWnthgvknänbpsS ssIhiapÅ 20 G¡À Øew FÂF³Pn¡p \evIm\pÅ Xocpam\w ]n³hen¨p Ipt^mkn\p Xs¶ hn«p\evIm³ apJya{´nbpsS t\XrXz¯nepÅ NÀ¨bneqsS Xocpam\n¨n«pWvSv. Cu Øew aäp hnIk\ {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡v D]tbmKs¸Sp¯m³ Ignbpw. Poh\¡mcpsS A`mhamWp bqWnthgvknän t\cnSp¶ \nehnse {]iv\w. CXn\p ]cnlmcambn A{Kn¡Ä¨À bqWnthgvknänbnÂ\n¶v 64 XkvXnIIÄ Ipt^mknte¡p amäpsa¶p a{´n ]dªp. 

sshkv Nm³keÀ tUm._n. a[pkqZ\¡pdp¸v A[y£X hln¨p. ]pXnb kvIqfpIÄ¡p Iogn 2020 BIpt¼mtg¡pw 30 hIp¸pIfpw \qX\amb 40 tImgvkpIfpamWp hn`mh\w sN¿p¶sX¶v At±lw ]dªp. aÕytaJebpsS km[yXIÄ ]qÀWambpw D]tbmKs¸Sp¯pIbmWp Ipt^mkneqsS e£yanSp¶Xv. Ipt^mkns\ cmPys¯ ^njdokv hnZym`ymk lºm¡n amän, aäp cmPy§fnÂ\n¶pÄs¸sSbpÅ hnZymÀYnIsf BIÀjn¡m³ Ignbpw. 
Ggp kvIqfpIÄ XpS§p¶tXmsS _ncpZm\´c_ncpZ KthjW taJebn A´ÀtZiob {]m[m\yapÅ tImgvkpIÄ¡v Du¶Â \ÂIm³ Ignbpw þ At±lw ]dªp. 

\hoIcn¨ t\mÀ¯v Cut̬ Im¼kv a{´n I½oj³ sNbvXp. Iw]yq«À em_pIfpsS DZvLmS\w sshkv Nm³keÀ \nÀhln¨p. kÀhIemime Ìmäyq«nsâ ]IÀ¸v a{´n sshkv Nm³keÀ¡p ssIamdn. AIzmIĨÀ B³Uv _tbmsSIvt\mfPn, ^njdokv dntkmgvkv amt\Pvsaâv B³Uv lmÀshÌv sSIvt\mfPn, AIzm«nIv ^pUv s{]mUÎvkv B³Uv sSIvt\mfPn, Hmjy³ ÌUokv B³Uv sSIvt\mfPn, Hmjy³ F³Pn\nbdnwKv, ^njdn F³hb¬saâv, amt\Pvsaâv B³Uv Hm³{S{]WÀjn]v F¶nhbmWp ]pXnb kvIqfpIÄ. 

acSv ap\nkn¸Â sNbÀam³ Sn.sI. tZhcmP³, Ipt^mkv KthWnwKv Iu¬kn AwK§fmb sI.sI. cm[mIrjvW³, tUm.sI.Fw. amXyp, ^njdokv Uo³ tUm.kmP³ tPmÀPv, kvIqÄ Hm^v amt\Pvsaâv B³Uv Hm³{S{]WÀjn]v UbdÎÀ tUm.Fw.Fkv. cmPp, kvIqÄ Hm^v AIzmIĨÀ B³Uv _tbmsSIvt\fPn UbdÎÀ tUm.sI.hn. PbN{µ³, tUm.Fkv. iyma F¶nhÀ {]kwKn¨p. s{]m sshkv Nm³keÀ tUm. kn. taml\Ipamc³ \mbÀ kzmKXhpw cPnkv{SmÀ tUm.G{_lmw tPmk^v \µnbpw ]dªp. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Arun V.V. ICAR-JRF topper

Congratulations Arun .V.V. for securing second rank in ICAR- JRF examination- 2013.


The details of  the courses offered at KUFOS Panangad(2013-14) are listed below. Many courses are new in India  and check the prospectus for further details. 

·      M.B.A Fisheries Management & Finance/Marketing/H.R/Rural Management
M.F.Sc Fishery Hydrography
·      M.F.Sc Fisheries Resource Management
·      M.F.Sc Aquaculture
·      M.F.Sc Fish Processing Technology
·      M.F.Sc Fish Nutrition and Feed Technology
·      M.F.Sc Fisheries Economics
·      M.F.Sc Aquatic Animal Health Management
·      M.F.Sc Fisheries Engineering and Technology
M.Sc Physical Oceanography & Ocean Modelling
·      M.Sc Biological Oceanography & Biodiversity
·      M.Sc Applied Geo Sciences
·      M.Sc Ocean Remote Sensing and GIS
·      M.Sc Food Science and Technology
·      M.Sc Applied Statistics
·      M.Tech Integrated Coastal Zone Management
·      LLM Maritime Law

·      Ph.D Programme in Fisheries Sciences

Thursday, November 21, 2013

  • Hi
  • KUFOS has completed almost three years since its inception. 
  • New academic block is halfway. Many new Chairs established. Many new courses introduced.
  • B.FSc students excel in ICAR examinations. But the shortage of qualified professors and new recruitment of professors  are not happening. Hope for the best.
  •  17 rank holders in the  JRF examination conducted by Indian Council for Agricultural Research (I.C.A.R.).
  •  Arun V.V. of KUFOS  bagged second rank in the ICAR JRF  exam.
  •  Anto Villi of KUFOS  is   Inter-University Wight Lifting Champion .
  • Saheeda Ummer is runner up in the Kerala State Boxing Championship.
  •                       Congratulations.

ICAR – JRF Examination   2011 

In the All India ICAR – Junior Research Fellowship Examination, 2011 for admission to the Master’s Degree Programme, our graduates again performed creditably. First , third, eighth & nineth ranks were bagged by  the graduates of the 2006 batch. 
Sibinamol(Ist rank)Vaisagh G ( IInd rank)Sunil S Ali ( 8th rank)Vivekananda Bharati ( 9th rank)
