Thursday, August 26, 2010

Net relaxation-TNAU advt.for Foreign Degree holders in 2009

Assistant Professor posts vacant at TNAU, Coimbatore M.Sc Life Sciences/PhD can apply
Advertisement No. R.3 / 1 / 2008 (II - Revised) dated 02.9.2009
Applications in the prescribed form are invited to fill up 334 posts of Assistant Professors in the scale of pay of Rs.8000-275-13500/-(pre-revised) in the following subjects of the Faculties of Agriculture, Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering, Home Science, Forestry and allied Sciences.Agronomy, Environmental Sciences, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Horticulture, Crop Physiology, Food Process Engineering, Plant Pathology, Food Science, Agricultural Entomology, Forestry, Plant Nematology, Agricultural Bio-Technology, Bio-Informatics, Bio-Chemistry, Agricultural Microbiology Qualification:A. Agricultural and allied subjects: A Master's degree in the relevant subject with a minimum OGPA of 3.20/4.00 (under 4 point grading system) or 7.00 / 10.00 (under 10 point grading system) or its equivalent grade in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) / ICAR Institutes irrespective of community is essential with good academic records. The candidate should possess the basic degree in the concerned Faculty from any State Agricultural University (SAUs) / ICAR Institute. The proof for the conversion of Grade Points/ class obtained to percentage of marks is to be enclosed. The candidate should have passed the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB), New Delhi / UGC / Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), which is mandatory.B. Subjects other than Agriculture and allied disciplines: A Master's Degree in the relevant subject with a minimum of 55% marks or its equivalent grade and good academic records is required and candidates should have passed the NET examination conducted by UGC / Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) / SLET.C. The candidates acquired Ph.D./PDF qualifications from well recognized foreign Universities and not passed 'NET' shall also apply subject to the condition that in the event of their selection, they have to pass the 'NET' within the two 'NET' examinations scheduled immediately after their appointment, otherwise their probation will not be declared and further increments will be withheld.D. Exemption from NET: The candidates applying for the following subjects are exempted from passing the NET examination for this recruitment only as a special case, since Eligibility Tests are not being conducted by ASRB for the said subjects at present.1. Bio-Informatics2. Food Process Engineering3. Bio-energyApplication:Application form and instruction to candidates can be downloaded from the TNAU website ( The applications should be submitted in triplicate. The applications should be filled in all respects. The incomplete applications and applicationsreceived without necessary certificates will be rejected. The completed applications should reach the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003 before 5.00 pm on 14.9.2009. The University will not be responsible for the postal